Saturday, May 30, 2009

Andy Warhol in his wildest imaginings would not believe what he predicted, there is no room for beauty or creativity, we have wring it dry with this spiritual bankruptcy called fame and desire and endless need to be noticed, this isn't how it was when i started out - Sandra Bernhard

1 comment:

Blazintommyd said...

It is strange but you can see the evolution of vanity in motion pictures, aside from bodies, even of dancers a good example is bleached teeth, no one had them; but what is it we do with our head, what is a face. Our mouth to eat and kiss, eyes to see, ears to hear hair to keep our brain warm and padded and most of us aren't particularly remarkable to look at facially yet suddenly there is someone that is. Suddenly this phenomenon is worked into a means for power and advantage, popularize this look and render people submissive to it because they know they cannot attain it. This is the only purpose all of the rest is merely the exploitation of vanity. Hype is the culprit and the willingness to follow.