Andy Warhol in his wildest imaginings would not believe what he predicted, there is no room for beauty or creativity, we have wring it dry with this spiritual bankruptcy called fame and desire and endless need to be noticed, this isn't how it was when i started out
- Sandra Bernhard
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What is it about you that fascinate so, it positions me between the uplifted and the low.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Not only am I blue, I am angry too!
Friday, May 8, 2009
God is looking to see how the world does. She looks at it with one eye only. Two eyes can only take so much.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
It's your personality that intrigues me. It's not your pay, your grade or your stuff, it is the stuff inside that matters. The stuff that shines through everytime you're breathing.
New Mailbox Post, part 2
So the half-lap joinery is cut. Now it's time to put these two parts
together using a weather proof glue and three inch decking screws.
When I cut the joi...
Det er deilig å få trent, det er deilig å få svette, men det er ikke noe
som er så godt som å få dusjet etter man har trent og svettet. Å føle at en
blir ...
We have a new home! Crazy Sexy Life!
I am so excited to announce that our sparkly new blog/website and forum
face lift is finally here! is packed with goodies,
including a go...