We're designed to love, to show how we're all capable of loving. But as with everything else, some people take it too far. Obsession, hate and anger stem from too much love, so all in moderation. Love dearly, and feel the connection grow stronger every day.
All of your Pix are beautiful Martine it almost goeswithout saying but the gratitude of a work well done is always due. I don't think there is ever too much Love, There is for me a lack of reciprocity and also a conditioning that kicking ass and overpowering someone is the better way to be that Love is soft for failures. I told this girl I had an on and off relationship with for 5 years that I fell in Love with women all the time. She said it was a crush or obsession - I thought about it and don't see what's wrong if it's Love what is wrong if everyone Loves?
New Mailbox Post, part 2
So the half-lap joinery is cut. Now it's time to put these two parts
together using a weather proof glue and three inch decking screws.
When I cut the joi...
Det er deilig å få trent, det er deilig å få svette, men det er ikke noe
som er så godt som å få dusjet etter man har trent og svettet. Å føle at en
blir ...
We have a new home! Crazy Sexy Life!
I am so excited to announce that our sparkly new blog/website and forum
face lift is finally here! Crazysexylife.com is packed with goodies,
including a go...
That's beautiful! What a cool photo!
All of your Pix are beautiful Martine it almost goeswithout saying but the gratitude of a work well done is always due. I don't think there is ever too much Love, There is for me a lack of reciprocity and also a conditioning that kicking ass and overpowering someone is the better way to be that Love is soft for failures. I told this girl I had an on and off relationship with for 5 years that I fell in Love with women all the time. She said it was a crush or obsession - I thought about it and don't see what's wrong if it's Love what is wrong if everyone Loves?
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