There's a huge difference between just knowing and actually realizing. I am just starting to realize..
Friday, April 24, 2009
Once we're blue, we can't do anything to get to you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How do we stain our auras with our personalities so that we can remember us in our next lives?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I don't really care for anything except love and art. Everything else makes me feel ambivalent.
How is it possible to be totally honest? Do we perhaps just strive and work towards honesty throughout our lives?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I timetravel everyday, my memories make it easy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
When we don't see the darkness within ourselves, we've lost the dimensions of our light.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
We're designed to love, to show how we're all capable of loving. But as with everything else, some people take it too far. Obsession, hate and anger stem from too much love, so all in moderation. Love dearly, and feel the connection grow stronger every day.
New Mailbox Post, part 2
So the half-lap joinery is cut. Now it's time to put these two parts
together using a weather proof glue and three inch decking screws.
When I cut the joi...
Det er deilig å få trent, det er deilig å få svette, men det er ikke noe
som er så godt som å få dusjet etter man har trent og svettet. Å føle at en
blir ...
We have a new home! Crazy Sexy Life!
I am so excited to announce that our sparkly new blog/website and forum
face lift is finally here! is packed with goodies,
including a go...