If you do what you're supposed to to, you shouldn't feel guilty.
Friday, November 21, 2008
We fight for titles to fill out our own emptiness, when in fact labeling actually makes us more hollow.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I wanna love, and then learn so that I learn to love even better.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
There will never be another day just like this, so I see no reason for not celebrating it just the way I want. I find there's a reason to enjoy every single day!
Your best self, your happiest smile, your best scent; none of it can wait until tomorrow!
Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour
Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
R. Frost
New Mailbox Post, part 2
So the half-lap joinery is cut. Now it's time to put these two parts
together using a weather proof glue and three inch decking screws.
When I cut the joi...
Det er deilig å få trent, det er deilig å få svette, men det er ikke noe
som er så godt som å få dusjet etter man har trent og svettet. Å føle at en
blir ...
We have a new home! Crazy Sexy Life!
I am so excited to announce that our sparkly new blog/website and forum
face lift is finally here! Crazysexylife.com is packed with goodies,
including a go...